- Some of the organizations we work with are:
- American Red Cross
- Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts
- Special Olympics
- Wreaths Across America
- How to volunteer at Ft. Leavenworth
- The Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator (AVCC) assists potential volunteers with locating volunteer organizations and opportunities at Ft. Leavenworth that are right for them.
- The AVCC will put you in contact with the organization you want to volunteer with. During this time, the volunteer and organization should agree upon a position in which the volunteer will serve. The volunteer must receive a copy of the position description and must register PRIOR to beginning volunteer service.
- How to register to volunteer
Register on the vmis.armyfamilywebportal.com. Ft. Leavenworth organizations are now on line with the new Department of the Army Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS). The system is used to track volunteer hours, training and awards. If a position is not in the system, contact the AVC Coordinator for assistance.
After registering, you must complete the necessary paperwork. If you are unsure which form to complete after reading below, please contact the AVCC.
• Volunteer Agreement (DD Form 2793) This form is position specific and must be signed by the volunteer and the organization accepting official. A separate DD2793 form must be completed/signed for each statutory activity in which the volunteer works.
• Parental Permission Form (DA Form 5671) This form must be signed prior to the commencement of volunteer services when volunteers are under the age of 18.
The organization will provide orientation to the volunteer. During this orientation, the volunteer will become introduced to the organization in which they will be serving. Logging hours must be done in VMIS. Hours shall be recorded by the 15th of each month for the previous month in order for the system to accept them.
- Volunteer Advisory Council
Representatives from organizations benefiting from volunteer service, as well as command spouses and community representatives meet bi-monthly to discuss volunteer and community news, share program plans and network to support the installation and surrounding communities.
- Army Volunteer Corps
Volunteers make a meaningful difference in the lives of Soldiers and their Families every day. Army Volunteer Corps (AVC) is designed to help you find local volunteering opportunities with organizations that benefit the Army community.
The AVC has redefined volunteering within the Army. We embrace existing volunteer programs, unite all volunteers who support Soldiers and Families, including the Active Force, National Guard and Army Reserve, and formalize the Army’s commitment to volunteerism.
No matter where people volunteer in the Army community, they usually want to contribute to Soldiers and their Family members. We recognize this common goal and want to help you find the right opportunity for you.
Volunteering helps your community and helps you as well. When you participate with AVC, you will:
- Gain a sense of satisfaction and achievement by meeting challenges
- Learn about the Army, our sister services, and the community
- Acquire new skills and/or expand old ones
- Obtain work experience
- Build new friendships and become a cohesive part of the community
Contact your local Army Volunteer Coordinator within your Army Community Service Center to register and learn about volunteer opportunities across the Army.
More information is also available from Army OneSource.

To promote and strengthen volunteerism by uniting community volunteer efforts, supporting professional management, enhancing volunteer career mobility and establishing volunteer partnerships to support individual personal growth and life-long volunteer commitment.
To be a trained and resourced professional volunteer force supported by Army leadership and prepared to contribute to Army readiness and well-being.
Why Volunteer?
Volunteers support the installation mission in a variety of capacities such as: coaches, office assistants, program assistants and much more. Joining the Ft. Leavenworth volunteer team enables you to gain valuable work experience while helping others.